Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Run on Trails

Before moving to the mountainous landscape of Utah, we live in the marshy, coastal area of Southern Georgia.  I promised myself that once we moved here I would quit the road racing scene and jump with both feet onto the endless mountain trails. 

Last year I discovered a fantastic trail race series called The Wasatch Trail Run Series.  All of the races -usually around 11 in total - are run on Wednesday evenings.  They offer a short and long distance, typically around 4 miles for the short and 8 for the long.  At the end of each race they give away around $1000 in merch and they also donate about $2500 to local non-profit organizations each year.  Did I mention the entry fee for each race is a whopping $20?  No need to feel guilty about running this race series. 

Thus far I have had the opportunity to run in three of the races, the most recent being the May 24th race at the Utah Olympic Park sponsored by Altra.

This is the race director.  I have no idea what his name is, but I can say that he is a nice guy and he works hard to select excellent race venues and amazing trails for each race.  Hope he doesn't mind that I borrowed this picture from the Wasatch Trail Run Series facebook page.  By the by, the website for the race series is 

With previous races I have made a point to take my phone on the course with me so that I could stop and snap a few pictures along the way.  After all, it's a lot of work to climb up those trails and the views are just stunning!  Alas, I did not bring my phone this time due to the threat of rain.  This was my first time at the Utah Olympic Park.

The long course was INCREDIBLE single track trail, 7.15 miles and 1348 ft vertical gain according to the Garmin that was used.  My personal watch, a TOMTOM Spark Cardio + Music, said it was more like 7.75 miles with approx. 1900 ft of gain.  Either way, the endless switchbacks were easily endured as they wove through tall Douglas fir, Mountain Spruce, Ponderosa Pine, and of course the iconic Quaking Aspen trees. 

As a storm moved through the area, heavy winds rushing through the trees sounded very much like a hurricane.  I did say I am from the coastal area of Georgia, right?  I wish I had brought my phone so that I could have recorded that.  We even had the opportunity to run through four different snow banks that were still covering the trail.  This course was truly unforgettable. 

I pulled this photo from their facebook page also.  This occurred during the race.  So stunning! 
The next race in the series is scheduled for June 14th at the Solitude Ski Resort, sponsored by The North Face.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

This inconsistency of these blog postings is suspiciously reminiscent of my early journal writing days.  In my defense, the last four years have involved a whirlwind of change.  However, I do have goals that I plan on achieving.  In order to achieve them, I'm must develop consistency with my writing and posting.  Even if my eyes are the only ones to see what I leave on these pages. 

So, here is my first goal for myself:  Post once a week without fail for three months straight.  More is acceptable, less is not. 

Simple, achievable, let's go.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I can't tell you how many times over the past three years I have had people say to me ... "just wait, right after your adoption goes through and your children are home, you will get pregnant." 

And I just ignored them.  We JUST got home with our twin babies from Ethiopia this February.  We went from two to four children in just one day!  Raising four kids is a lot of work, we would have to be a little bit crazy to add a fifth child so soon. 

Ah, the things we say to ourselves - what a laugh I get when I look back and realize my own foolish naivety.  Well my friends, pretty soon there will be absolutely no hiding it; in fact, just the other day my friendly neighbor stopped me to say that it looked like I was putting on weight.  Yes indeed, it just so happens that this crazy runner mom of four is now 13 weeks pregnant with our fifth child.

(Right after a 5 mile run.  Sweat is the new sexy!)
Five years have passed since I gave birth to my second child and my body definitely feels, well...older.  Despite my rickety old body, baby and I are still going to continue training for and participating in the 2013 Rock n' Roll Savannah Marathon in November.

My doctor wasn't exactly supportive when I gave him the good news about my upcoming marathon.  After he stopped laughing at me (this isn't a joke, bud.) he said, "You won't be able to run the marathon, your body will be out of balance and you will just fall over."  Seriously?!  No, seriously.  Was he being serious?  Yep, he certainly was, and I walked out of his office and found a new primary care provider. 

Over the past several weeks I have read many mama running blogs and I know I am not the only one out there.  What was your experience with your pregnancy and continuing to run?  Was your doctor supportive?    

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Deployment 5k races

From August 2009 to July 2010 I was deployed with the US Army to Camp Buehring, Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  My job there was to provide medical care for the Military Working Dogs.  The combat stress was low but the stress from sexual harassment was always high.  Unfortunately, the incidence of sexual harassment in the military - especially against females - is very high, basically "the norm".  Anyway, I dealt with the stress and anxiety it caused me by getting out and running as much as possible.  I started the deployment at 148 pounds and I came home at 127 pounds.  (I am 5' 8'' and was 25 years old at the time).  The MWR offen sponsored 5k races and I often took first female overall or first female in my age group.  There was a male soldier there who could run it in 15:48!!  My best time was 22:08.  Since then I have gotten out of shape, but I am excited to be getting back on track.  Time to smash that old 5k PR to pieces!!



Yes Sir-ee.  Yesterday was day 1 of my new running commitment and it didn't go so hot.  The Georgia sun was definitely not shining on me or my strep throat.  No biggie.  I don't train on Sundays, but Monday is a new day.  I might just get in a quick treadmill run while my babies are sleeping and my big boys are at school. 

P.S.  This is the last week of the semester and I will finally graduate with my Bachelors of Science degree in Family Life Studies.  Hooray!!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013


You won't get to see me very often all dressed up and out of my habitual running gear, so I thought I would start things off with one decent picture of myself.  I just chopped over 18 inches of hair off, by the way.  Nice to meet'cha! 

Oh, and this is my Great Dane, Moto Moto.  He is partially to blame for the name of this blog, "The Daily Gallop".  Let's just say that it is a real challange to keep up with him on our morning run.  By the way, that is a 6ft fence and he can easily look over the top. 145 pound lap dog and best running partner ever!

Get ready...Get set...hold on I'm not ready yet!

Hey y'all!  Today is a monumental day.  By starting this crazy mom/running blog I am commiting myself to action.  No more excuses about this or that, why I can't run today, or maybe I'll start eating healthier tomorrow.  Today is the day!  (Let's overlook the fact that it is 10:50 at night).  But as they say, it is NEVER too late to get started!  See y'all bright and early tomorrow morning for a bit of Saturday morning running in the gorgeous Georgia sunshine.